Plant a Butterfly Garden

Butterflies don’t just show up without an invitation. Put out the welcome mat with these five ideas.

Plant a Butterfly Garden

Discover Flower Power

Plant in drifts. Butterflies are more likely to notice large swaths of color, like these yellow yarrow and rudbeckia. Also, go for bright colors. Red flowers attract more butterflies than white flowers.

Plant a Butterfly Garden

Include Host Plants

Plants such as fennel (shown), dill, and parsley are popular food sources for caterpillars that will later turn into butterflies. If you’re worried about nibbled foliage, hide the plants in an inconspicuous spot.

Plant a Butterfly Garden

Supply Nectar Plants

The flowers of these plants are a food source for butterflies. Examples include butterfly bush (shown) and daylily. Plant flowers with different but overlapping bloom times, such as bachelor’s buttons and coneflowers.

Plant a Butterfly Garden

Make Them Comfortable

Flowers aren’t the only thing butterflies like. They’ll also appreciate a sun-baked surface to warm their wings in the morning and a shallow saucer of water with a sandy bottom where they can drink any time of day.

Plant a Butterfly Garden

Keep Them Safe

Limit the use of pesticides and apply only on calm days. Also consider planting a windbreak, such as the trees and evergreens shown here, to calm the air for safe landings.

Once you’ve got your butterfly garden ready, look for these stages of butterfly metamorphosis and these beautiful butterflies to emerge.